• Russian stock market daily morning report (September 07, 2015, Monday)

    A new selloff at the Chinese exchange market might be a new trigger for the investors’ run from exchange market at the western grounds. The markets will be extremely sensitive to the actions of China in case of a long-term reduction of its indices. We assume the negative dynamics of trade in Asia accompanied by the oil below 50 USD per bbl will make a negative impact on the dynamics of the exchange market on Monday.

    Main events

    Consumption of electric energy in Russia reduced for August by 0.2% (yoy) while output of e/e grew 1.1% (yoy).

    Concluding from the demand/consumption volumes of electric energy, we assume another upping of export of e/e for August, which as we calculated has increased 75% vs the volumes of June and July. Positive dynamics of export might be a consequence of the euro and dollar rate upping vs ruble, making e/e export from Russia more profitable, which is favorable to the monopoly in such deliveries – INTER RAO.

    Contributed by Veles Capital
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