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Thread: HeidelbergCement AG (FRA:HEI)

  1. #1
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    HeidelbergCement AG (FRA:HEI)

    Heidelbergcement AG is a Germany-based company engaged in the manufacture of building materials. The Companys main activities include the production and distribution of cement and aggregates, the two raw materials for the manufacture of concrete. Furthermore it is engaged in downstream activities, such as ready-mixed concrete, concrete products, and concrete elements, as well as other related products and services. The Companys products are classified into four business lines: Cement, which includes standard cements, specialty cements, masonry cements, and specific binders, such as tailor-made ready-mixed cement products; Aggregates, used as raw material for ready mixed concrete and concrete products; Concrete, which includes ready-mixed concrete, ready-mixed mortar and concrete products, and Building Products, such as limestone and lime products, sand-lime bricks and specialty products and services.

    Official website:

  2. #2

    HeidelbergCement AG FRA HEI

    It was specially registered to participate in discussion.

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