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Thread: success ratio of TAKIT buy sell

  1. #1

    success ratio of TAKIT buy sell

    what is the success ratio of the Buy-Sell signals that takit pro is providing and the data accuracy…

  2. #2
    they are good enough for traing but with certain cares

    i use their given signals and along with it certain personal analysis for the shots to be taken

    and at the end of the day profits are in my hand

    about the data accuracy its 100%

  3. #3
    one thing I can say that after using for arround 6 to 8 months, I can say that they assure profits at end of the day and that i receive almost every day and also one thing I can say that their data is in real time and cent percent accurate....

    Thats all for now....if any query you can tell me here or cvan contact me personally

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