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Thread: Are You Trading Intraday?

  1. #1

    Are You Trading Intraday?

    An Intraday trade is the one in which a trader buys and sells the stock in the same trading session. Usually, intraday trades are carried out on the margin or leverage (service provided by brokerage firms) which enables the traders to buy stocks in a large quantity. Hence, the aim of the trader is to capitalise on the small movements of the stocks which can bring in huge profits. This is just one side of the story. But as the market moves either side, if the bought stock moves in the opposite direction, intraday is capable of bringing in losses of high volume.
    Read Full Article@ Intraday Trading

  2. #2
    Yes, I am trading intraday on FreshForex broker because their interface always follows real-time trading, and they don't create any requote.

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