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Thread: Antofagasta plc (LON:ANTO)

  1. #1
    Super Moderator
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Antofagasta plc (LON:ANTO)

    Antofagasta plc (Antofagasta) is a Chile-based copper mining company with interests in transport and water distribution. The Company operates in three segments: Mining, Transport and Water. The principal activities of the Company are copper mining (including exploration and development), the transportation of freight by rail and road and the distribution of water. Its mining operations produce copper with by-products of gold, molybdenum and silver. The Company’s segments include Los Pelambres, Esperanza, El Tesoro, Michilla, Antucoya, Exploration and evaluation, Railway and other transport services, Water concession, and Corporate and other items. In addition, the Company, through its subsidiary, Antofagasta Investment Company Limited, owns 100% ownership in the Twin Metals Minnesota Project (TMM), a copper-nickel-platinum-palladium-gold-silver project in north-eastern Minnesota, the United States.

    Official website:

  2. #2

    TARGET 593
    The Major trend of ANTOFAGASTA PLC it is showing strength for buying .If it breaks the resistance level then one can initiate the buying position in the stock. If it breaks the level of 587 then it can test resistance level for the target of 593 with the stop loss of 583 .

    INDICATORS:- RSI is trading near to62.67 level with positive bias, in upcoming session upside movement is expected.
    MACD and Signal line is sustaining above the zero level line.

    Skype jonsmith1091
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Antofagasta plc (LON:ANTO)-anto-png  

  3. #3
    TARGET 585
    The Major trend of ANTOFAGASTA PLC it is showing strength for buying .If it breaks the resistance level then one can initiate the buying position in the stock. If it breaks the level of 576 then it can test resistance level for the target of 585 with the stop loss of 570

    RSI is trading near to 57.29 level with positive bias, in upcoming session upside movement is expected.
    MACD and Signal line is sustaining above the zero level line.

    Skype jonsmith1091
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Antofagasta plc (LON:ANTO)-anto-png  

  4. #4

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  5. #5

    Mini Prestamos

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