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Thread: Intraday data vendor

  1. #1

    Intraday data vendor

    ) I need a Real-time Intraday data vendor who has the following requirements:-
    1) Economical cost
    2) Fast data, 1/5/15/60/Daily data available
    3) Min daily data of 3-4 months.
    4) Good support system/Customer care.
    5) Monthly payment options available.
    6) NSE Cash and NSE F&O segments available.

  2. #2
    with this long list i can suggest my feeder the name is RTDS

    visit them for further queries

  3. #3
    I will agree with the words of BAPTUROY, try out with the service of rtds once

    try visit them you will get to know about them in a better way

  4. #4
    Intraday stock data describe stocks that trade on the securities market during official business hours. This data is used by short-term traders to decide the right time to enter or exit a trade. To trade as a intraday, FreshForex will be really good broker. Thanks

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